
While you should definitely never steal from the company you work for, we’re talking about more than physical items here. Working on your side hustle during work hours, taking long lunch breaks, and shopping online while in the office are all perfect examples of stealing precious time from your company.
If you’re not making them money, you’re wasting their (and your) time.
Working While Intoxicated
Dating a Co-Worker
Harassing Co-Workers

Harassment comes in many forms. There’s the obvious one. But you should also make sure you’re not making your office environment a hostile one.
If you’re having a bad day, put in your earphones instead of taking your anger out on an innocent co-worker. If you have an inappropriate joke you just have to share, reserve it for happy hour.
Posting Carelessly on Social Media

First, there’s the obvious: hopefully by now, we all know better than to trash a co-worker or boss on social media. In addition, if you’re going to call in sick when you just really want a day off, you should stay off social media altogether. Posting updates or your location for all the world to see could jeopardize your job.
Also, keep in mind that work and politics don’t typically mix. So before you let your co-workers know your thoughts on controversial topics via social media, think about the awkward conversations it could spark in the office.
Looking at Risky Websites at Work
Having a Bad Attitude
Lying on Your Resume
Showing Up Late or Not At All

Punctuality is a virtue in the workplace and communication is key. If you’re going to be late, let a co-worker know. If you’ve got an upcoming doctor’s appointment, let your boss know in advance.
No one is perfect and your boss shouldn’t expect you to be, but you should at least try to be on time and communicate when you just can’t be.