a vet tech who knows the salaries for her profession

Vet Tech Salaries

If you are considering going into the veterinarian technician field, it's likely that you're curious about the salary that accompanies these kinds of positions. Thoroughly researching the pay you could expect as a vet tech can help you decide whether this career will fit your work and lifestyle goals.

Average Salaries

According to, the average wage for vet techs is approximately $13.50 per hour. The salary ranges from $9.81, or around $20,000 per year to high as $18.18 per hour, or approximately $40,000 per year. The actual salary level will depend on many different factors. Level of education, experience and location can all have an influence on your salary


All vet techs are generally required to have at least an associate degree in applied science in veterinary technology. Credentialing, improving your knowledge, and skills will improve your ability and help to make you more valuable to your employer. In addition to the associates degree a four-year bachelor's degree program for animal science or pre-veterinary studies would put the tech in a better position for a higher salary.


If you are not tied down to a particular locale or state, relocating to a state that has a higher pay scale may be an option for you. States that have a higher demand will generally mean a higher salary base. According to an article that appears in Veterinarian Technician, California, New York, and Massachusetts have the highest salaries for vet techs.

The article further states that veterinarians and veterinary technicians are scarce in California. Therefore a salary range of $22,000 to $43,000 is not uncommon. New York is another state that has a high demand for veterinary technicians, leading to a salary range of $22,000 to $40,000 per year. Massachusetts, with many residents who are involved in horse breeding, offers a very rewarding salary range of $39,000 to $45,000.

Salary Comparison

The salary level of the veterinarian technician is in the middle of those in the veterinarian field. According to, a veterinarian assistant's salary range is on the lower side at $17,000 to $33,000. The veterinarian, however, is in the upper range of $49,000 to $106,000. Of course these figures are all subject to location, practice size, and specialties.

When considering a career as a veterinarian technician, you must consider several factors as a career choice. What is the cost of the education in relation to the salary itself? Would you be willing to obtain the additional education to obtain optimal salary? Is relocating something you would consider? Finally, does your love of animals make all the other considerations a moot point?

Last Updated: April 15, 2015