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Government Jobs Most at Risk of Being Cut by DOGE

Wildlife Conservation Roles

Wildlife Conservation Roles

Saving endangered animals is so last century... right? Positions within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are facing some serious hits. Cuts are threatening endangered species recovery programs, like the one at the National Black-Footed Ferret Conservation Center. Yes, they’re literally endangering the people saving endangered animals. Makes total sense.

Here's how it breaks down. Staff reductions mean less habitat protection, fewer breeding programs, and practically no one to monitor threatened species. But hey, at least developers can bulldoze over those pesky wildlife reserves faster. Cute ferrets or sweet, sweet strip malls? Clearly, priorities have been set. And just in case you weren’t already concerned, fewer boots on the ground in conservation areas means invasive species will run wild. Who needs biodiversity, though? Nothing screams "balance" like entire ecosystems crashing down.

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Environmental Scientists and Researchers

Environmental Scientists and Researchers

Climate change? Natural disasters? Pfft, who needs science to explain that when we can just wing it? Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and other Interior Department agencies are bracing for layoffs. These are the same people monitoring water safety, studying flood risks, and ensuring that the planet doesn’t completely implode. But apparently, Mother Nature can handle herself.

What’s at stake? For starters, fewer experts working on climate change means slower responses to hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires. You heard right, folks. While we love naming hurricanes after Grandma, we just won’t have anyone left to track them or prepare communities in time. And if you thought America's water safety programs were secure, think again. With these cuts, monitoring water contamination will take a backseat. What’s the plan here? Hope for the best and drink bottled water forever?

Gabrielle Lurie/San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers/Hearst Newspapers/Getty Images

National Park Rangers and Maintenance Workers

National Park Rangers and Maintenance Workers

Do you love America’s national parks? Well, brace yourself, because next time you visit, you might run into overgrown trails or a collapsed bridge. With national park rangers and maintenance workers being cut, our parks are becoming their own survival-of-the-fittest playgrounds.

Forget organized search-and-rescue operations. That hiker who went "missing" after veering off the trail? Yeah, no one’s coming. Plus, rangers have reportedly had to fund basic work out of their own pockets. Imagine pulling a Bear Grylls at work every single day just to keep Yellowstone from crumbling into the abyss. What’s worse? Reduced staffing doesn’t just mean neglected trails; it also means less protection for our parks against vandalism and illegal activity. Goodbye, nature sanctuaries. Hello, spray-painted boulders and trashed campsites.

Ronda Churchhill/AFP/Getty Images

Probationary Employees Across Agencies

Probationary Employees Across Agencies

Ah, new hires and probationary employees. The government loves catching people in their first 90 days and saying, “Thanks for playing, but we are no longer hiring!” Cuts are disproportionately targeting probationary employees across various science and conservation roles. Because nothing says “investment in the future” like axing the next generation of experts.

What’s the message here? Basically, if you’re green and eager to prove yourself in government service, don’t bother unpacking your desk mug just yet. It’s also a great way to discourage young, talented individuals from pursuing careers in public service. Want job security? Time to start searching private sector, baby!

Bob Riha Jr/Archive Photos/Getty Images

IT and Infrastructure Staff

IT and Infrastructure Staff

You might think IT jobs are safe because “everything runs on technology” nowadays, right? WRONG. Plans to consolidate IT teams and cut staff managing outdated government systems are looming large. Because, you know, who cares if critical services in rural areas get disrupted because someone forgot to fix the 1995 database server?

This one’s especially baffling because IT infrastructure is the backbone of everything. Oh, you needed a functioning weather alert system? Too bad the ancient infrastructure supporting it just croaked. Would you like an AOL disk while you’re at it? But sure, saving a few bucks today by gutting IT jobs won’t come back to bite us later. Nope, not at all.




Libraries bring knowledge, early childhood education, and community outreach. Apparently, that’s too radical in 2024 because cuts are headed their way too. The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) funding is a lifeline for public libraries across the country. Without it, many areas, especially underserved ones, could see literacy programs and digital literacy initiatives wiped out.

This could mean the end for programs that help underserved communities, including those that teach job seekers how to write resumes or offer coding classes to kids. But who needs that when you’ve got TikTok tutorials, right?

Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images News/Getty Images



Museums may sound fancy, but the reality is they’re crucial for education and community engagement. Slashing federal grants to museums means cutting programs for children with disabilities, Title 1 schools, and other underserved groups. Basically, it’s kids who pay the price when programs suddenly disappear.

Think of all the valuable lessons kids learn at a museum, like how dinosaurs got wiped out or what life was like before Wi-Fi. These cuts will limit access for entire generations. Do we care about teaching history and culture to the next generation? Guess not! Thanks, DOGE, for making sure kids grow up thinking Van Gogh is just the name of an overpriced candle.  

Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images

Educational Insitutions

Educational Insitutions

Educational training programs for librarians and museum staff depend heavily on IMLS funding. If this funding disappears, educational institutions may buckle under the weight of staff shortages. With fewer trained librarians and museum experts, the quality of public education suffers in ways that ripple across communities.

With budget cuts looming, many institutions will struggle to maintain quality services. Say hello to crowded classroom, crippling student debt, and passing kids along until graduation. Can’t wait for a future where a Google search replaces well-trained academic librarians. Truly cutting-age stuff! 

JHU Sheridan LIbraries/Gado/Archive Photos/Getty Images

Community Programs

Community Programs

Tribal and native communities (and their specialized programs) are also on the chopping block. These initiatives preserve indigenous culture, teach history, and create opportunities for people who are often left out of the national narrative. Cutting these programs is, frankly, a gross way to erase heritage and diversity.What’s the upside here? Oh, wait. There isn’t one.

Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images