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10 Careers with Job Security in a Time of Crisis

Truck Driver

Truck Driver

Worldwide pandemic or not, people need supplies and food and as a society, we’ve begun to rely heavily on truck drivers to bring us what we need. Patrick McGuigan, a long-haul truck driver based in Jacksonville Florida told his local news station, “If we slow down, the world stops.”

Diesel Mechanic

Diesel Mechanic

With all these trucks driving frantically across country to deliver the goods and supplies that we need, diesel mechanics are also considered essential workers in order to keep the truckers moving and the deliveries coming.

Healthcare Workers

Healthcare Workers

Doctors, nurses, paramedics, home health aides, and any other position in the healthcare industry are always in high demand, even when there is no global pandemic. However, we realized they are our unsung heroes, always on the front lines of any crisis.

Police Officer

Police Officer

During a crisis, the country relies on our boys in blue to protect us and enforce strict laws and procedures to keep us all safe. These brave men and women risk their lives for society every day, but even more so in times of crisis.



In a time when many people would normally look down their noses at the thought of taking a job as a cashier or shelf-stocker, we were hit with the hard reality that those jobs are absolutely vital to keep our society running when all else fails. 



Pandemic or not, people need their day-to-day, sometimes life-saving medications. Pharmacists are going nowhere. Many pharmacies may have switched to drive-through-only services, but they are always highly demanded by many people.

Delivery Driver

Delivery Driver

Yet another profession that many may sneer at, but during the pandemic, they were in high demand. Many online delivery services were hiring because the need was so high due to the number of quarantining families ordering in from restaurants. Also, parcel delivery drivers were in high demand as many people were opting to order their goods and supplies online to avoid going out in public.

Childcare Worker

Childcare Worker

During this unprecedented time in our nation’s history, almost all schools in the country were closed for an undetermined amount of time. Parents who were considered essential personnel had to find childcare since school was unavailable. Being a childcare worker may just guarantee that you have a job in any economy.

Online Communications

Online Communications

During Coronavirus, technology is even in more demand than it was just a month ago. Many people are turning to more and more tech services in order to continue to work from home, order food and supplies online, and find learning opportunities for their children. Tech companies are hiring thousands at this time to keep up with the growing online demand, according to Forbes.com.

Utility Workers

Utility Workers

It doesn’t matter what happens to be going on in the world, people still need their electricity, gas, water, and other utilities. Being a utility worker in a time of crisis basically guarantees that you will be an essential worker and you will be able to continue to work even when most other jobs have been lost.