Man in a suit holds out a Christmas gift while snow falls

What Not to Get Your Boss for Christmas

The holidays can be stressful for many reasons, one of which is holiday office parties and the stress of figuring out what to get your co-workers or your boss. If you’re stressed out about this, there are many great, work-appropriate ideas out there. However, the following gift ideas are no-go’s when shopping for your boss or co-worker.

Politically or Religiously Focused Gifts

While the winter holidays are, in fact, based on various religious holidays, there are many people in the United States who celebrate Christmas even if they aren’t at all religious. Because of this, it’s important to stay clear of gifts that make your boss or co-worker feel uncomfortable. Also try to steer clear of any politically focused gifts, no matter how funny you think they are. 

Personal Care Products

That Bath and Body Works lotion may be the greatest thing you’ve ever smelled, but giving your boss a personal care item like soap, detergent, shampoo, lotion, or hair products can send the wrong message. By giving a personal care gift, your boss may easily think, “Are they trying to tell me something about how I look or smell?” And that’s just one awkward conversation no one wants to have.


Clothing items are forms of personal expression, which is why I suggest staying away from giving clothing as professional gifts. While it should be fairly obvious why you should never give your boss or any co-worker any form of lingerie or underwear, you should also consider staying away from anything with a size. If you get the wrong size, it can create an awkward situation for you and your boss. Simple things like hats or scarves can be okay, but you have to be sure you know your boss well enough to know their style. If you don’t, just leave behind all clothing ideas.

Anything That Could Be Perceived as Romantic

Roses and jewelry and heart-shaped chocolates are wonderful gifts for you partner, but not so much for you boss. Even if you have completely innocent intentions, you never want your boss to think they’re going to have a case of sexual harassment on their hands because you gave them what you thought was a nice box of chocolates.

“Adult” Items

Never give anyone at work a sex toy, condoms, lubricants, or “sexy” underwear. I don’t care how well you know them. It’s just never, ever appropriate. Also, don’t try to disguise something sex-related to make a fool out of your innocent boss. We’re talking shake-weights here, people.


Beats me why anyone would want to give their boss straight money, but if you feel a gift is necessary and you’re out of ideas, pick out a gift card for a nice restaurant. It may not be the most personal gift, but cash just screams, “I don’t care, and I’m doing this because I feel like I have to.” 

Last Updated: April 15, 2015