emr software

EMR Software for Doctors

In today’s world, EMR software is an essential part of running any doctor’s office. EMR, or Electronic Medical Software, is a digital software that helps doctors and healthcare providers of every variety. Medical professionals use EMR software to establish better relations with their patients, helping them to manage and maintain patient medical records.

The best EMR software for doctors simplifies the process of recording and updating patient information, while also allowing doctors to more easily communicate with patients and other healthcare providers. The goal with such software is to allow doctors to access information quickly and more efficiently than paper records but it does so much more than that too.

EMR improves patient care and experience. By accessing information more quickly, doctors can treat and update patients at a faster rate. They can make more informed decisions and follow-up with patients in a timely manner. Information commonly stored using EMR software includes:

  • Medical History
  • Medications
  • Allergies
  • Test Results
  • Treatment Plans

With that said, let's take a look at some of the most popular EMR software for doctors...


Cerner is an EMR software from Oracle that is exceedingly popular in hospital settings due to its ability to integrate with a wide variety of healthcare systems and devices. It facilitates of recording and accessing medical information from multiple sources, all in one space. On top of this, it can create alerts and reminders for other healthcare providers to ensure that patients are safe and have more positive outcomes.

While it is often used by hospitals, it’s important to note Cerner’s scalability. It can be used for practices of any size and any variety as it is fully customizable. For an advanced EMR software that you can trust, you really can’t go wrong with Cerner, but there are other options available.


Formerly Allscripts, Veradigm is another EMR software for doctors that can serve medical offices big and small. Like Cerner, Veradigm works for a range of healthcare systems and providers. Connecting over 300,000 healthcare providers, has helped millions of patients and their doctors across the country.

In addition to facilitating communication between practices, Veradigm offers a patient portal that allows patients to access their own records and communicate with their providers more easily than ever. They can even conveniently schedule appointments from the portal, instead of having to call in, which ultimately improves workflow.

Furthermore, Veradigm makes scheduling and billing simple. Healthcare providers will have all the tools needed to manage billing, payments and reimbursements.

It’s also worth noting that Veradigm offers telehealth capability. Veradigm’s Digital Health Media has already health healthcare providers through the COVID pandemic and continues to do so to this day. Missed appointments will be a thing of the past and it can help you improve workflow as well.


Athenahealth is a cloud-based EMR software that allows providers to access patient information from anywhere with internet connection. Healthcare providers can collaborate and make more informed decisions to help their patients, and even provide care outside of their hospital or medical office.

Athenahealth gives patients access as well. Like Veradigm, Athenahealth’s patient portal allows patients to access and update their medical history, as well as schedule appointments and pay medical bills in one convenient online space.

Athenahealth is incredibly user-friendly, but should you need any assistance, it offers around-the-clock customer support. Making customer service a priority, they are always available to answer your inquiries.


These are just some of the EMR software options available to you. Doctors will find that many EMR software options are suited for a wide variety of practices, no matter their size. However, you’ll want to shop around to ensure that the EMR software you are considering is best suited for your office’s needs.

Last Updated: April 06, 2023