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Finding a Job with an Online Teaching Degree

Once you've received your online degree to become a teacher, the next obvious step is to start searching for employment. Teaching jobs have been tough to come by since 2009 due to the recession and cutbacks in school districts. Fortunately, the outlook for employment is on the rise now that the economy is on the rebound. Perseverance, patience, and the tips below can help you get your foot in the door of a classroom.

Online Searching
You should start your job search the same way you got your degree: online. In the Internet age, most school districts have resorted to online advertising platforms to fill teaching positions. is an example of an online teaching-position hub. The website used to solely serve California school districts, but EdJoin has gone national. EdJoin currently has over one million job listings, many with full details of available positions and directions for how to apply for them online.

The prospective teacher should be aware that landing a teaching job during the school year is not always feasible. Contracts are generally year-to-year, and only on rare occasions when there is an emergency will schools hire in the middle of the semester. That doesn’t mean you can’t show your interest. The best way to make yourself known is to be hired as a substitute teacher with more than one school district. Teachers that you fill in for will provide feedback and, if you do a good job, possibly pass a positive word about you to their administrators.

Student Teaching
Student teachers generally do not earn a salary but rather practice the skills they are learning under the tutelage of an experienced teacher at a school they have been assigned to. Teaching programs work to place each student teacher at a local school to practice the pedagogical arts. This does not necessarily translate into a job at the school where you student teach, but it provides experience and could lead to employment opportunities down the road.

Resume Guidelines
What to put on a resume is a difficult question to directly answer. Each district has their guidelines and requirements. Some will require a curriculum vitae and others will want a standard resume that lists career experience. Whatever type or resume is required, be sure to list your student teaching experiences and educational qualifications.

While colleges try their best to help new teachers find placement, it really is your responsibility to find the position that best suits you. Every school district has different needs for teachers, and these positions may be in elementary, middle, or high schools. Thorough online research, a strong resume, and student or substitute teaching experiences can help leverage you into the classroom you're always wanted to teach in.

Last Updated: April 23, 2015