Becoming a real estate agent is a rewarding career because it gives you the opportunity to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors and expect substantive financial growth based on performance. If you have given any consideration to becoming a real estate agent, reviewing the information below can be of great benefit to you.
Job Requirements
In terms of experience, real estate agents are typically required to possess previous work-related knowledge, skill, and experience. With respect to education, one will typically obtain formal learning in a vocational school or obtain an associate's degree. In some cases, an aspiring real estate agent might attain a bachelor's degree. It is also important to note that people who plan to become real estate agents are expected to obtain hands-on, job-based experience. In most cases, individuals who work in this field will need between one to two years of training, and this work will be both formal and informal.
Each state requires that individuals who wish to work as real estate agents gain licensure. Although these requirements will vary from state to state, it is important to note that each state will require candidates to be a minimum of 18 or 19 years of age. Additionally, candidates for licensure must obtain a high school diploma, complete a set number of real estate courses, and pass the designated licensing exam.
Top Four Skills
A highly qualified real estate agent will typically possess the following four skills:
Social Perceptiveness: This trait requires emotional intelligence and involves being cognizant of other people's thought, emotions, understanding, and reactions.
Active Listening: This is the ability to devote one's full attention to what another individual is saying. Active listening is a skill set that is actualized for the purpose of understanding the other person's point of view. Active listening will almost always incorporate questions and will never involve inappropriate interruptions.
Speaking: Great real estate agents possess the ability to speak clearly to others and convey information in a manner that it is easily understood.
Negotiation: This strategy involves helping other people come to a general consensus about an important matter. During a negotiation process, differences will be reconciled.
Salaries The median salary for a real estate agent is $18.82 per hour. It is important to note that annual income can differ based on factors such as job location, education, years of experience, and any areas of expertise one might have.