The 3 Best Construction Worker Jobs

There is a misconception that all construction jobs involve intense labor, poor compensation, and harsh work conditions.

While many positions do have these characteristics, it is also possible to find construction jobs that do not involve heavy lifting, long hours, and low pay. If you are considering alternative careers in the construction industry, you may want to pay attention to the following three types of jobs, which offer flexible schedules, a great deal of stability, and excellent salaries.

1. Cost Estimator

A cost estimator earns an average annual salary of $62,000. The cost estimator plays a quiet role on a construction site. He or she tallies up the cost of every item on the site. The cost estimator is responsible for assessing the expenses associated with a client’s project. The cost estimator must also assess the costs of purchasing equipment, gear, and warning signs that are used to abide by OSHA regulations and provide for the safety of construction workers.

Typical construction firms usually require that a person have a bachelor’s degree in order to become a cost estimator. However, a proven track of success in managing construction projects may substitute for this educational requirement. The cost estimator typically works from his or her own office. On occasion, the cost estimator may show up at a construction site to see how items are being used and whether there are any cost cuts that can be made.

2. OSHA Manager

Construction site managers earn an excellent annual salary of $95,000. A construction site manager has usually had experience as an actual worker before taking on this role. Construction firms prefer to hire OSHA managers who understand what it is like to work on a project from the perspective of a laborer.

The OSHA manager is responsible for ensuring the safety of all workers on the site. He or she must also read through job site regulations and understand how they apply to specific projects. The OSHA manager must supervise employees; otherwise he or she could be liable in the event that an employee is injured by a piece of equipment in disrepair or dangerous conditions on a site. The OSHA manager should be able to effectively communicate with others on construction sites. He or she may also need to review budget plans and construction project proposals.

3. Concrete Finisher

The concrete finisher position will always be in demand. A concrete finisher makes about $40,000 a year. Those who work near metropolitan areas or own their own business may earn a figure that is upwards of $75,000 a year. The concrete finisher has an understanding of how to create and pour cement.

Last Updated: January 31, 2018